What brought me to Digital Photography 1 was my previous interest in Photography as a hobby. Casually, I took photos with my dad's camera simply for the thought that something looked really cool. This usually ended up being when we traveled to the beach. I loved taking photos around the Oregon coast. Over the semester, I've learned much about photography. Ways to edit photos to make them better, ways to make your camera take photos depending on what you really want your audience to see. Photography actually helped me learn that these moments I make with pictures... they aren't all about me. They are about what I feel makes the world nice, and the lessons that we can learn. The challenge this semester was keeping up with Photography. With so many classes that give homework, keeping up with my photo class was rather difficult. I think my favorite project during the semester was my final, Apocalypse. It tells the story of a man in a damaged world whom has forgotten about his past, but finally remembers what it was like back then when he tries to scavenge for food in his own home. Telling a story through pictures is amazing, and I think I did well to do just that. A project I would probably redo is the Stereographic Planets. I didn't do so well on this project, but I know I had some great ideas for what to take a photo of, so maybe another day, I could take a better series of photos of the same places.

             In my final project, I tried to use the imagery of both inanimate objects, and the character himself. What he was doing and how he was doing it sort of set the mood for what sort of situation he was involved in. The objects normally represented his background, and what was actually going on in the real world. Loss, destruction, salvation, all things that bring sorrow. I want the person who sees these photos and think "Wow, my family is really important." because they are. And there is always the possibility that all of that can go away in just a few seconds.

             If any future Photography student reads this, I just want to say that you should do what, in your mind, makes you feel accomplished, no matter how many photos you are to post. Satisfaction with what you have done is all you need to become a successful photographer.


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