Apocalypse (Final Project)


            The series of pictures takes place in the near future. Upon the aftermath of a government collapse, martial law, riots, mass murder and insurrection, the normal American is turned into a scrounger. Taking what they can whether by force or own good in order to sustain them and survive. This series of photos tells the story of a man in the middle of the apocalypse and his daily life, taking what he can from a car and house. Upon discovering the house, he doesn’t recognize it as being his own. When he makes his way upstairs, everything begins to seem familiar, but nothing prepares him for when he finds a photo of his family, one that he lost in the middle of the great collapse. Having found what he needed, he moved on, both in mind and physical strength, taking the photo to remember what it was like before the great collapse.

~ Pictures and backstory by Daymon Lively


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